Friday, September 19, 2008

Strategy Pattern

I found a very useful purpose for the strategy pattern. I am writing an application that will move all or part of a database depending on the users selection. Since 90% of the code was the same I decided to use an abstract class with concrete methods for the business logic that was the same and abstract classes for where it differed. The strategies I have to choose from are:

1. Move entire DB
2. Move all rows from X number of tables.
3. Move X number of rows from X tables.

Doing a quick mock I came up with

public abstract class DBMoveStrategy


//concrete methods

public abstract void GetSource();
public abstract void AddConstraints(DataSetFacade Data);


Then I sub-class for the different branches of logic.

public class DBMoveAll : DBMoveStrategy
public override void GetSource()
//some code

public override void AddConstraints(DataSetFacade Data)
//some code

public class DBTables : DBMoveStrategy
public override void GetSource()
//some code

public override void AddConstraints(DataSetFacade Data)
//some code

public class DBMoveRows : DBMoveStrategy
public override void GetSource()
//some code

public override void AddConstraints(DataSetFacade Data)
//some code

To use this inside another class I just do the following:

public class MyControllerClass
private DBMoveStrategy movedb;

public MyControllerClass()
if (IsMoveAll)
movedb = new DBMoveAll();

public void Connect(string Server, string Database, string UserName, string Password)
movedb.connect(string Server, string Database, string UserName, string Password)

public void GetData()

There is more logic involved but this will give a flavor for how I am using the pattern. There are probably some better ways I could use it or other patterns that might be better but I am still learning the language and better ways to write code.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Event Driven Error Handling

I have been reading a new titled "Design Patterns in C#". It is a great book, tons of information and it is quite understandable. While reading through the observer pattern it struck me. Why do we need to use so may try/catch statements in our code when we could fire off the exceptions from an event handler.

So I wrote up some quick code to test it out.

public delegate void TestErrorHandler(string message);

public class TestClass
public event TestErrorHandler test;

public void TriggerHandler(object blah)
if (blah == null)
test("Null argument in TriggerHandler");

static void Main(string[] args)
TestClass MyTest = new TestClass();
MyTest.test += new TestErrorHandler(OhCrap);

public static void OhCrap(string e)
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Oh CRAP! {0}", e));

I can see some pitfalls to this solution like:
1. You fire off the same Exception Event from multiple methods, i.e. ArgumentNullException.
2. How do you tell what observing method called the method that threw the Exception Event? For instance what if you had a private property that had the same methods being called multiple times?
3. What about if I call the same method multiple times from the same piece of code. a for loop for instance?

These are definitely challenging issues to solve but I feel it may be possible. I already have some ideas but right now don't have the time to fully test these out. If it is possible then it could take decoupling code to a whole new level.