Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Joining DataTables

Recently, I needed to perform several joins in a SQL query and return that data to a DataGrid. Normally this works great because I only have 2-3 tables I am performing a join on and the number of records being returned is relatively low. In this latest case I had many tables to join together and some of them had millions of rows in them.

The query to pull all the data I needed would run for several minutes before returning anything to me. I decided that to speed this up I would handle the joins in the application and just pull the rows I needed in the queries themselves. This took a query that would return in 15+ minutes down to less than 1 minute.

Microsoft has some code here: on how to do this. The code they had was over-engineered for what I needed to do so I decided to write my own.

The main method takes 2 tables and returns a new table. It is quick and dirty and can still be fleshed out if needed.

public static class MergeData
public static DataTable Merge(DataTable tableOne, DataTable tableTwo)
DataTable output;

output = new DataTable();

CopyColumns(tableOne, ref output);
CopyColumns(tableTwo, ref output);
CopyData(tableOne, tableTwo, ref output);

return output;

public static void CopyData(DataTable tableOne, DataTable tableTwo, ref DataTable destinationTable)
foreach (DataRow row in tableOne.Rows)
DataRow nr;
DataRow[] joinedRows;

nr = destinationTable.NewRow();

foreach (DataColumn dc in tableOne.Columns)
nr[dc.Table.TableName + "." + dc.ColumnName] = row[dc.ColumnName];

string selectStatement = tableTwo.Columns[1].ColumnName + " = '" + row[tableOne.Columns[1].ColumnName] + "'";
joinedRows = tableTwo.Select(selectStatement);

foreach (DataColumn dc in tableTwo.Columns)
nr[dc.Table.TableName + "." + dc.ColumnName] = joinedRows[0][dc.ColumnName];


public static void CopyColumns(DataTable table, ref DataTable output)
foreach (DataColumn dc in table.Columns)
DataColumn nc;

nc = new DataColumn(table.TableName + "." + dc.ColumnName, dc.DataType);
AddColumn(nc, ref output);

public static void AddColumn(DataColumn dc, ref DataTable dt)
if (!dt.Columns.Contains(dc.ColumnName))

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